💚 Welcome Parents and Families from Colleges/Schools


Location: Various venues (see description)

Following the “ND Parent 101" session (hosted by Undergraduate Education and Student Affairs), all families are encouraged to join a welcome event specialized for each college's undergraduate experience. 

Parents and families may attend the college/school welcome event that most aligns with their student’s interests and intended program of study. These welcome programs involve a welcome address from college leadership, a student/faculty panel, and an opportunity for interactive Q&A or conversation.

School of Architecture

An Introduction to 5 years of Architecture at ND!

Location: Walsh Family Hall of Architecture Room 109

College of Arts & Letters 

Join Dean Sarah Mustillo and a panel of faculty!

Location: Heritage Hall, Joyce Center

Mendoza College of Business

Join Dean Martijn Cremers and Mendoza College of Business faculty and advisors!

Location: Purcell Pavilion, Joyce Center

College of Engineering

This event will feature a welcome from Dean Culligan and a presentation from Andrew Bartolini (Director of the First of Engineering Program), Yvette Rodriguez (Wilma Sanchez Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Engineering), and Ramzi Bualuan (Teaching Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering).

Location: Leighton Concert Hall, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center*

*Please note that the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center is a DIFFERENT building than DeBartolo Hall. DeBartolo Performing Arts Center is located at the south end of DeBartolo Quad, near the Raclin Murphy Museum of Art. Use the link above for directions.

Keough School of Global Affairs

Join Dean Mary Gallagher and students from the Keough School of Global Affairs!

Location: The Forum, Jenkins Nanovic Halls

College of Science

Join Dean Santiago Schnell and faculty from the College of Science!

Location: Rooms 101/105, Jordan Hall of Science

Originally published at welcomeweekend.nd.edu.