Chinese Song with Cheyenne Huddleston


Location: O'Neill Hall of Music, LaBar Performance Hall (View on map )

Cheyenne is an ND sophomore in NROTC and a Chinese major.  She is also a member of the Chinese Singing Club who sometimes sings at events hosted by the Chinese Language department.
The first song is “月亮代表我的心 (Yuèliang Dàibiǎo Wǒ de Xīn),” or “The Moon Represents My Heart.” The version that became famous across the mandarin-speaking world was sung by Taiwanese singer Teresa Teng in the late 1970s, and it’s still a classic at karaoke nights.
The second song is “精忠报国; Jīngzhōng bàoguó,” or “Loyalty to the Country.” It is an old, yet very famous patriotic Chinese song that emphasizes the importance of “loyalty to the country,” and contributed to a very important debate in a culture that values family as especially important as well. The song itself tells the story of Yue Fei, a famous Chinese patriot and military general who fought for the Southern Song Dynasty against the Jurchen armies of the Jin Dynasty. Since his political execution by the traitor Qin Hui, Yue Fei has evolved into the standard model of loyalty in Chinese culture. According to legends, his mother tattooed these six words "Dedication and Loyalty to the country” across his back before he left home to join the army in 1122 (source)
The final song, “你好不好; Nǐ hǎo bù hǎo,” or “How Have You Been?” sung by Eric Chou is more of a contemporary ballad, released in 2016 as an ending credit song for the drama “Life List.” 

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