Visual Cultures Workshop | High-Performance Performance: Digital Technologies in Contemporary Sinophone Theatre


Location: B043, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center (View on map )

Vcw4 400x400

In the last decade, large-format LED panels, extended and augmented reality, and artificial intelligence interfaces have appeared with increasing frequency in theatrical performances from the PRC, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. These high-tech experiments have reinvigorated old debates over liveness and mediatization, but also raise new questions in contexts where political power and technological development are closely intertwined.

This talk will use case studies from the PRC and Taiwan to explore several key questions: how do we understand connections between the performing arts and technological infrastructures, especially in light of the environmental and humanitarian dimensions of constructing and maintaining those systems? What happens when the arts become implicated in nationalistic narratives of technological progress via use of new technologies? How might theoretical formulations at the intersection of theatre and media studies grapple with the complexity of these entanglements?

Tarryn Chun is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Film, Television, and Theatre, concurrent in the Department of East Asia Languages and Cultures, and a Faculty Fellow at the Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies.

Originally published at