A Conversation with the Hon. Junghan Kim (Consulate General, Korea)


Location: 107 Carey Auditorium, Hesburgh Library (View on map )

Cg Kim

Introduction of the Republic of Korea and the ROK-US partnership: Comprehensive Global Strategic Alliance.

Open to the public!

Bio: Mr. Junghan Kim has served as the Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Chicago, covering 13 U.S. Midwest States, including Indiana, since March 2022.

Prior to his appointment as Consul General in Chicago, Mr. Kim was the Director-General for both Human Resources (2021-2022) and for Asian and Pacific Affairs, in charge of Korea's policy toward East Asia and the Indo-Pacific region as a whole (2019-2021).His previous assignments include international affairs coordinator of the Supreme Court (2018-2019), the Minister-Counsellor in Mayanmar (2016-2018), the Assistant Secretary to the President for Foreign Affairs (2012-2013), and the Director for Treaties Division (2011-2012). Consul General Mr. Kim earned a bachelor's degree in international relations from Seoul National University in 1994 and also a master's degree in international studies from the University of Connecticut.  

Sponsored By: The Liu Institute of Asia and Asian Studies

Organized By: The Korean Program, Department of East Asian Langauges and Cultures

Originally published at eastasian.nd.edu.