Spring 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award Lecture


Location: Auditorium, Hesburgh Center for International Studies and Live on Zoom (View on map )

Myla Leguro

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Featuring Myla Leguro (M.A. ‘10), Technical Advisor for Social Cohesion and Church Engagement at Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in the Philippines; Founder, Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute.

Lecture: “Harnessing the Power of Women in Peacebuilding”

Leguro’s talk will focus on the effects of the historic passing of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 over two decades ago. At the time, the UN Resolution was hailed as a significant international legal and political framework that supports the participation of women in processes and decision-making pertaining to peace and security at all levels; the protection of women in armed conflict and violence; and the prevention of violence against women in conflict situations.

Women in many parts of the world continue to face insecurity and violence and remain underrepresented in formal peace negotiations in post-war reconstruction. Leguro will discuss the increasing recognition of women who suffer from the impact of armed conflict and violence and their significant contribution to peacebuilding efforts, even while they are excluded from formal peace processes.

These women have found unique ways to deal with violence, transform conflict, nurture healing and reconciliation, and work toward sustainable peace.

Read more about Myla’s career path and time at Notre Dame here >>

The Kroc Institute’s Distinguished Alumni Award honors Notre Dame graduates in peace studies whose careers and lives exemplify the ideals of international peacebuilding. Each year the Distinguished Alum, who is selected by committee, travels to Notre Dame’s campus to deliver a public lecture and meet with current peace studies students.

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Originally published at kroc.nd.edu.