Lecture by John Pomfret: Veteran Journalist speaks on the international backlash against China


Location: Virtual lecture / Zoom

John Pomfret will share his thoughts on why Beijing has taken so many policies that have generated international backlash.

Raised in New York City and educated at Stanford and Nanjing universities, John Pomfret is an award-winning journalist who worked with The Washington Post for several decades. He was a foreign correspondent for 20 years, covering for eight years big wars and small in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Congo, Sri Lanka, Iraq, southwestern Turkey and northeastern Iran. Pomfret spent seven years covering China – one in the late 1980s during the Tiananmen Square protests and then from 1997 until the end of 2003 as the bureau chief for The Washington Post in Beijing. Following that he covering U.S. relations with Asia for the Post. In 2003, Pomfret was awarded the Osborne Elliot Award for the best coverage of Asia by the Asia Society. In 2007, Pomfret was awarded the Shorenstein Award from Harvard and Stanford universities for his lifetime coverage of Asia. He is the author of the critically-acclaimed “Chinese Lessons: Five Classmates and the Story of the New China.” His latest book (2016), “The Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom: America and China, 1776 to the Present” was awarded the 2017 Arthur Ross Award by the Council on Foreign Relations.

Check out his insights when he last visited ND: Lecture: The Background to the Coming Crisis in US-China Relationspodcast

This lecture is part of Professor Victoria Hui's course, The China Challenge, and is supported by a Teaching Beyond the Classroom grant. 

Advance registration is required. 

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