Workshop: The Excavated Poetry (Shijing) and Early Chinese Empires

(part of a series)

Location: McKenna Hall, Room 200

Shijing Poster Final 3click to enlarge

The Excavated Poetry (Shijing) and Early Chinese Empires: Approaching from the Perspectives of Paleography, Philology, Phonology, and Classical Exegesis

Full program: Program Excavated Poetry 2018 10 12 (PDF) 

This workshop aims to examine the overarching significance of the Poetry (Shijing) in light of the excavated bamboo and silk manuscripts from early China. We will invite scholars from the West and Asia to share strategies for deciphering and understanding the archaeologically discovered manuscripts related to the Poetry. Their areas of expertise range from Chinese paleography, philology, phonology, philosophy, history, and culture studies. Scholars will have the opportunity to read the galley proofs of the Warring States (453-221 BCE) Chu bamboo manuscripts acquired by Anhui University in 2015, which will allow them to explore various possibilities in deciphering the scripts, examining the materiality of the manuscripts, and interpreting their literary and aesthetic significance.

This workshop is open to the public. No registration is required.