Talk: "The Atomic Monstrosity from 'Gojira' (1954) to 'Godzilla' (2014)"


Location: 136 DeBartolo Hall

Talk: "The Atomic Monstrosity from 'Gojira' (1954) to 'Godzilla' (2014)"

Yuki Miyamoto
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
DePaul University
Monday, September 15, 2014, 5:00-6:00pm
136 DeBartolo Hall
Reception to follow.
Since publishing her first book, Beyond the Mushroom Cloud: Commemoration, Religion, and Responsibility after Hiroshima (Fordham University Press, 2011), Miyamoto has continued to work on issues concerning discrimination and radiation (“Sameness, Otherness, Difference: Discrimination through Indiscriminate Weaponry”; “Panic over ‘The Panic Over Fukushima’”; “Disaster and the Rhetoric of Sacrifice”; and “Transgressing Boundaries: Teaching on Fukushima, the Nuclear Safety Myth, and Ethics.”). Her recent research focuses on Minamata disease in the wake of Fukushima accident. (“Before Good and Evil: Minamata’s Spirituality and Giorgio Agamben’s Ethical Elements”). She has led four study-abroad programs to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and was appointed as Nagasaki Peace Correspondent in 2010, and Hiroshima Peace Ambassador in 2011.
This talk is part of the Nuclear Nightmares poster exhibition co-sponsored by the Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies, the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, and the Hesburgh Libraries. A promotional poster for the event can be found here.