Conference: Korean Wave Beyond Nationality: Conflicts over the Globalization of Korean Popular Culture


Location: McKenna Hall Auditorium

Korean Wave Beyond Nationality: Conflicts over the Globalization of Korean Popular Culture

Schedule of Events
2 - 6pm: Academic Conference
6 - 7pm: Reception in East Lounge (2nd floor of McKenna Hall)
7 - 8pm: Korean Traditional Music Performance and Talk by Dr. Chan E. Park (OSU)
8 - 10pm: Student Performances: "Seoul'd Out"

The purpose of this conference is to exchange and enhance our understanding of the Korean wave, Hallyu, in an innovative framework. As transactions of Korean popular culture to countries in East Asia continue to increase, friction results from its globalization. This creates an uncomfortable nuisance that detracts from the effort to create a regional cultural community among the countries. The friction surrounding Korean popular culture also reflects the vivid political processes that struggle to maintain the legitimate cultural identities of various actors on both the domestic and international levels. Along with the government, other groups including civil organizations, the media, and individuals are becoming deeply engaged in the politicization of the Korean Wave.

The primary objective of the conference is to explore a new research agenda that examines the forms and nature of consequences following this politicization process. This conference will provide a platform for participants to exchange innovative frameworks and analyze the issue with scholars currently studying it.

This conference is organized by the Korean Program in the Department of East Asian Studies, as a part of the Korean Studies Conference sponsored by the Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies, the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, the Office of Undergraduate Studies, and the Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures.

A full program for the conference can be found here.