Liu Institute Distinguished Speaker Series: WANG Bo


Location: Notre Dame Room (202), LaFortune Student Center


"Benevolence: Virtues and Rights"
Professor WANG Bo
Chair, Department of Philosophy
Peking University

Thursday, April, 3, 2014 from 4-5pm
Notre Dame Room (202), LaFortune Student Center
Reception to follow.
In the Confucian tradition, Benevolence was believed to be the nature of human beings. As a virtue, Benevolence emphasizes its connections with inner experiences and concerns of social surroundings. However, under the historical context, in the concept of Benevolence, equality and rights are always missing. By exploring the meaning and connotation of Benevolence, we hope to gain a better understanding of Chinese ideologies.
This lecture is presented as a part of the Spring 2014 Asian Studies Seminar.